Channel List

TurboIRC allows you to see all the channels in the network . TurboIRC provides the List Dialog Box for the RFC /LIST command , and the IRCX /LISTX command .

Using /LIST .

/LIST actually takes only a string parameter , and not supported by all servers . The parameter usually is a mask describing the channel name , for example *#fun* . TurboIRC selects automatically /LIST when you are not in IRCX mode . You can select to send /LISTX , but it will fail if the server does not support IRCX .

After you have entered the mask , if needed , press "Go" . After a while , you will see the channel list . Read next session : "Managing Channel List"

Using /LISTX .

/LISTX enables you to send more options to the server . /LISTX is selected by TurboIRC if you are in IRCX . IRCX servers supports /LIST also , but it is recommended you use /LISTX .

/LISTX has one or more of the following options :

/LISTX N=mask . This returns only the channels that match the mask .

/LISTX T>n or T<n . Returns only the channels , for which the channel topic has changed more/less than n minutes ago.

/LISTX C>n or C<n . Returns only the channels , that they have been created more/less than n minutes ago.

/LISTX M>n or M<n . Returns only the channels , for which the channel member number is bigger/smaller than n .

/LISTX S=mask . This returns only the channels that match the subject property with the ginen mask .

/LISTX L=mask . This returns only the channels that match the language property with the ginen mask .

/LISTX <querylimit> , is a request to send back up to <querylimit> channel names . The default is 0 , which means that the server will send all of the channels found , matching the given parameters

/LISTX R=1 or 0 . This returns only the channels that are / are not registered ( +r )


/LISTX allows you to select more than one parameters in one command . When you select both the "Members" check box and the "Topic Changed" check box , TurboIRC will pass the /LISTX with both the M and the T parameters . Then press "Go" , to order the server to send you the list .

Managing Channel List

After you receive the channel list , you can perform actions to one or more of the channels .

You may want to see the channels sorted by member count . Just press "Sort Members" button .

If you want to view any PICS properties , press PICS . ( See IRCX Draft about PICS )


You have used /LIST or /LISTX with success . Now you see some channel names to the list box . You can select the channels you want , and perform a JOIN , MODE , PROP , NAMES , or OTHER . The first 4 are defined ( PROP only in IRCX ) . TurboIRC enables you to send another command for many channels . For example , assume you want to destroy 4 channels , as an IRCop , and the command that gives you that is /KILL <channelname> . Select those channels in the list , and write this to the edit box :


You must not use '/' ( this command is a RAW server command ) , and you should also use %s , to set where the channel name is to be placed . You could use also :

KILL %s <Other KILL Parameters>

Double clicking on an item in the list box will result in a JOIN command .

Channel Restrictions

A channel which is +h or +s , won't be shown by any way in the channel list .

A channel which is +p , will not allow you to see the names or the modes or the properties.

For more information , see Channel Control Dialog Box .